wellness how to improve wellbeing

Wellbeing: What to do and How to improve it?

How can we improve our wellbeing? Wellbeing is extremely important, as it directly affects our mental and emotional health – poor management of wellbeing can drastically reduce our happiness. There are many different ways of improving our wellbeing and looking after ourselves and the aim is to do them consistently and start as soon as possible.

The following are some suggestions of how to improve and management our wellness:

Physical activities

Being physically active is almost always the first choice of direction towards wellness. Not only beneficial towards our physical health but also great for our mental wellbeing. Getting more active can help with boosting your self-esteem and motivation, achieving your goals and objectives, as well as improve your mood through the flow of endorphins.

Physical activity does not have to be only lifting weights. There are many ways of getting your daily exercises: from running and simple walking in the park, to swimming, hiking, cycling, and dancing.

More on exercising.


We often dismiss the importance of our relationships, but how well we are connected to other people can significantly impact our mental health and overall happiness. Better relationships can provide us with positive emotional support and also boost our self-worth and sense of belonging.

There are numerous ways of improving our relationships and consequently our wellbeing: taking more time for family and friends, offering help to others in need as well as asking for help, volunteering, showing more interest in people we know, and opening up our trust to family and friends.

Give to others

Sharing is caring! Acts of kindness are always positive. Being nice with others will not only create a positive feeling for ourselves, but it will also impact other people’s lives more often than we expect. Giving to others will reward us with a sense of purpose, self-worth, and better mood. It will also help with the previous point, connecting with other people.

Often, we do not realise how very little acts of kindness can have a huge effect on someone else’s life. There are almost infinite ways of doing so, such as: asking someone about their day or how are they feeling, saying thank you, volunteering, offering help to people in need, listening, and many more.


We should always try to learn new things, as learning new a new skill can have a drastic impact on our wellbeing, especially if it something we enjoy. Learning offers a better sense of purpose and personal development, as well as boost in self-esteem and self-confidence. Furthermore, it will also help with connecting and creating stronger relationships.

The number of activities and new things to try are vast: from cooking, languages, and DIY projects to writing, gardening and sports.


Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment, paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, body, and the environment around us. It focuses on training our mind to let go of stress and overload, but instead appreciate the present and calm our mental state.

The practice of mindfulness can be experienced through various techniques, such as a simple walk in the nature, yoga, meditation, breathing, scan exercising. and listening to music.

More on meditation and yoga.

Food and drinks

What we consume is crucial for both our physical and mental health. We know from personal experience that bad food and drinks can negatively affect our mood as well as physical energy, and as such impact our overall wellness.

Suggestions for managing well-maintained consumption: eat regularly, drink plenty (enough) of water, avoid junk food, and eat healthy balanced food (with more fruits and vegetables). More on the importance of water here.


Messy and disorganised environment (clutter) can create discomfort, both physically and mentally. The Japanese minimalism is a concept referring to uncluttering, or in other words keeping life as simple as it can be – clean and organised, without anything unnecessary.

For instance: you can get rid of anything you do not use or need as well as buy items with the specific purpose of organisation (drawers, boxes, etc.) and create a more neat and free environment (whether your home, office, or car).


Spending time outside in nature can have a significant influence on our wellbeing. Whether walking, running, or simply sitting surrounded by natural environment can positively affect our mental health by boosting our mood, making us calmer and more peaceful, and increasing our energy levels and creativity.

There are many sports that can be done to spend more time in nature: cycling, walking ,running, yoga, meditation, and many more. Reading is also a great way of achieving the above.


Many people do not get enough sleep every day (the recommended sleep for an adult is at least 7 hours). Poor sleep is associated with negative effects on both our mental and physical health, therefore managing it properly is a big yes when it comes to our wellness.

Numerous ways of tackling sleep problems can help: less caffeine, less blue lights and snacking late at night, more exercising and regular sleeping patterns. You can find more information about how to improve your sleep here.

More on Health:
Healthy Skin: Foods and Nutrients Keeping Your Skin In Good Health
15 Superfoods: The Power of Health
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Benefits of Kale: The King of Healthy Food

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