benefits of water

Water: The Importance and Benefits of Water

Water! Why is water so important and how does it benefit us? Considering age and gender as well as body weight, the percentage of water in the human body varies. But around 55-60% of our bodies are made up of water. On top of that, our home, Earth of course, is covered with around 70% of water – so it must be important.  

Although there is not an exact scientific amount of water specified for the human being to consume on a daily basis, often it is recommended that around 1.5-2L of water per day should be consumed. This amount is seen as a guidance or average, as the water needed varies individually. The individual figure is different due to different factors such as body structure, consumption of other liquids as well as foods (food can often contain water), environmental temperature, exercising, and so forth.  

Many people do not drink enough water, which can lead to dehydration, which in turn can cause different health problems. This can be unhealthy, as the substance is needed in many functional aspects of the body. Let’s explore some of them:

Vital for digestion

Our digestion system depends on water. We need it to help us stay hydrated, which may prevents constipation as well as other digestive issues. Water also keeps the stomach acid balanced, which decreases the risk of heartburn and any further complications.

Supports cell functions

Water is also needed for our cells, together with all our organs. Our body uses water to carry oxygen as well as nutrients to the body cells. That way, cells can function properly and keep us in good health. In addition, water is vital for the communication of electrical signals between the cells – electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and so on.

Helps with constipation

Constipation is a common problem, and water can help with that. Dehydration can lead to constipation, therefore by increasing the intake of water you lower the risk of it happening.

Physical and mental performance

Water helps the body work properly, and hence can be used to boost both our mental as well as physical performance. It is important, whether exercising physically or mentally, to stay hydrated and keep our energy levels and brain functioning intact. Dehydration can lead to various issues, such as headaches, as well as negatively impact our mood and concentration.

Supports joints functioning

Staying hydrated supports our joints. Water helps the lubrication process of our joints, which in turn keeps them healthy and reduces the chance of pain problems.

Weight control

Very often, water is the first recommendation when weight loss is in our wish list. An increase of water intake can help with weight loss, as it can boost our metabolic rate. It also often promotes satiety, the feeling of being completely satisfied when it comes to food, which in turn reduces our bad food or drink intake and consequently decrease unnecessary calories.

Skin health

Dehydration can lead to weaker skin health, which can make the largest human organ vulnerable to different problems, such as wrinkles as well as skin disorders. So staying hydrated keeps our skin in good health.

More on Health:
Healthy Skin: Foods and Nutrients Keeping Your Skin In Good Health
Vitamins and minerals: Explained
Good Sources of Vitamin C: Fruits

More on Exercising:
Yoga: Benefits
Beneficial View of Running: Running for Health
Benefits of Walking: The Healthy Path to Longevity

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