bowl of fruit, avocado, broccoli, asparagus, papers, parsley

Vitamins and minerals: Explained

Benefits of the essential vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy. Nutrients are substances helping us to survive and stay healthy. Vitamins and minerals are two of the essential nutrients we need to obtain from a dietary source, in order to maintain a normal physiological function.

Amino acids and fatty acids are also part of the essential nutrients. 


Vitamin A

(Retinol, Retinal, provitamin A Carotenoids)

  • source: fish, liver, dairy products, orange, leafy vegetables, carrots, spinach, pumpkin
  • health: immune system, bones, vision, skin, teeth, reproduction

Vitamin B1


  • source: eggs, liver, wholemeal grains, brown rice, potatoes, vegetables, pork
  • health: muscles, brain, nervous system, heart, stomach, electrolytes flow, food-energy conversion

Vitamin B2


  • source: bananas, dairy products, asparagus, green beans, eggs, mushrooms, almonds
  • health: energy supply maintenance, eyes, skin, blood cells

Vitamin B3

(Niacin, Nicotinamide, Nicotinamide riboside)

  • source: mushroom, eggs, vegetables, fish, meat
  • health: cholesterol levels, brain, skin, heart

Vitamin B5

(Pantothenic acid)

  • source: broccoli, avocado, meat, potatoes, porridge, eggs
  • health: skin, sex hormones, blood cells, digestive system

Vitamin B6

(Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine, Pyridoxal)

  • source: bananas, meat, chickpeas, tuna, potatoes, salmon, milk, walnuts, tofu
  • health: mood regulation, immune system, brain, cell reproduction, food-energy conversion

Vitamin B7


  • source: liver, nuts, egg yolk, oysters, cauliflower, salmon, yeast, cereals
  • health: metabolism, nails, hair, skin

Vitamin B9


  • source: asparagus, spinach, avocado, banana, broccoli, mushrooms, egg yolk, beans, lentils
  • health: heart, brain, mental health, pregnancy

Vitamin B12


  • source: beef liver, fish, eggs, milk, poultry, dairy products,
  • health: blood cells, bones, mental health, brain, energy levels, heart

Vitamin C

(Ascorbic acid)

  • source: oranges, broccoli, strawberries, peppers, kale, spinach, kiwi, brussels sprouts, blackcurrant
  • health: blood pressure regulation, heart, immune system, bones, skin, healing, blood vessels

Vitamin D

(Cholecalciferol, Ergocalciferol)

  • source: sunlight, sardines, mackerel, salmon, shrimps, eggs, liver
  • health: calcium and phosphate regulation,bones, teeth, muscles

Vitamin E

(Tocopherols, Tocotrienols)

  • source: almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, seeds, plant oils, spinach, broccoli
  • health: cells, immune system, eyesight, skin

Vitamin K

(Phylloquinone, Menaquinones)

  • source: spinach, egg yolk, broccoli, collards, kale, parsley
  • health: bones, blood system, healing



  • source: potatoes, beans, tomatoes, orange, banana, carrots, lentils, parsnips, broccoli, meat
  • health: fluid balance, nervous system, heart


  • source: table salt
  • health: metabolism


  • source: spinach, table salt, milk, sea vegetables
  • health: body fluids balance, muscles, digestive system, nerve transmission


  • source: thyme, cinnamon, dairy products, spinach, kale, okra, sardines, pilchards, tofu, nuts, seeds
  • health: teeth, bones, muscle regulation, blood system


  • source: red meat, brown rice, oats, dairy products, fish, poultry
  • health: food-energy conversion, teeth, bones, muscles, kidneys


  • source: avocados, spinach, nuts, seeds, whole grains,
  • health: food-energy conversion, blood pressure regulation, overall body function, mood regulation, blood sugar control 


  • source: red meat, liver, chickpeas, beans, dried apricots, dark chocolate, spinach, cashew
  • health: blood cell production, immune system


  • source: cheese, shellfish, red meat, nuts, poultry
  • health: healing, skin, immune system, memory


  • source: grains, seeds, spinach, nuts, beans, peas, tea, sweet potato
  • health: blood sugar regulation, healing, bones, brain, nervous system, metabolism


  • source: shellfish, nuts, potatoes, peas, beans, whole grains, vegetables
  • health: blood cells production, bones, immune system, brain, heart


  • source: iodised salt, sea fish, shellfish, seaweed, milk,
  • health: hormones regulation, cells


  • source: broccoli, grape juice, turkey, potatoes, green beans, meat, whole grains, oranges, apples
  • health: metabolism, blood sugar regulation, insulin regulation


  • source: whole grains, nuts, beans, lentils, liver, kidney,
  • health: teeth, overall body function, liver, enzymes


  • source: eggs, Brazil nuts, dairy products, seafood, whole grains, tuna,
  • health: heart, immune system, cells and tissues protection


  • source: fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, liver, kidney, milk, spinach, lettuce, oysters
  • health: blood cell formation, brain, nervous system, metabolism

Explore amino and fatty acids.

The above information regarding vitamins and minerals can be explored more thoroughly within the National Institute of Aging (?),  the World Health Organization (?), and the Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (?).


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Garlic: A Powerful Ally for Your Health
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