superfoods, strawberries, blueberries

15 Superfoods: The Power of Health

What are superfoods, who are the players, and how do they benefit us? Foods labelled as superfoods offer loads of healthy nutrients. Because of the high nutritional value, these foods are considered to provide many health benefits to our bodies. Often alongside rich nutrition, they also contain a substantially low amount of calories.

You can check more on Vitamins and Minerals and Amino and Fatty Acids.

Let’s explore them in more details:

kale superfoods


King of superfoods, kale offers an abundance of nutrients to the human body.

Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K,  the plant food is considered to reduce the chance of heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

It also promotes bone health, skin and hair maintenance, digestion regulation, and eye health.

More on Kale

spinach superfoods


Popeye’s favourite food is another type of superfood loaded with many vitamins and minerals.

Spinach contains a substantial amount of Vitamin K. It is also a good source of Manganese, Vitamin A (equiv.), Vitamin B9, and Vitamin C.

This leafy green is good for the health of the skin, bones, and hair. Furthermore, it promotes digestion regulation, blood pressure maintenance, diabetes management, and cancer prevention.

More on Spinach

salmon superfoods


With a high content of Omega 3 acids and protein, salmon is the perfect superfoods for those who love fish.

It offers a good amount of Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Selenium.

Salmon contributes towards the health of the heart, as well as, benefiting the brain and the cognitive processes (thinking, remembering, problem-solving, etc.). 

More on Salmon

pumpkin superfoods


Apart from being the stars of Halloween, pumpkins are pumped with nutrients and can offer many health benefits.

The round winter squash contains a good amount of Vitamin A (equiv.). Eating pumpkins will also provide the body with Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Phosphorus, and many more vitamins and minerals.

In terms of contributing to health, they help reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases, protect the eyes, and support blood pressure regulation. 

More on Pumpkin.

asparagus superfoods


Another player in the superfoods game is asparagus. This member of the lily family offers very little calories and a great deal of nutritional values.

Vitamin K, Iron, Vitamin B1,  Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B3 are some of the nutrients that can be sourced from asparaguses.

And as such, they can act as an improvement of the digestive system, a plentiful source of antioxidants, a blood pressure regulator, and a mood and weight loss booster.

More on Asparagus.

blueberries superfoods


Beautiful and small, blueberries make some of the top superfoods.

They are packed with many vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Manganese.

Blueberries are believed to protect the body from cancer, heart diseases, as well as maintain skin and bone health, regulate blood pressure, and improve mental health. 

More on Blueberries.

avocados superfoods


One of the most desired superfoods amongst the posh, avocados reward the body and the soul with an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

They are rich in nutrients, from Vitamin C and Vitamin B5, to Potassium and Magnesium. Avocados also contain a good amount of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and some Omega (3, 6, and 9) acids.

Their benefits may promote eye health, cholesterol maintenance, decrease in depression, as well as regulate digestion and protecting against cancer. 

More on Avocados

tea superfoods


Tea is probably the most surprising choice to make the list. It may not contain a substantial amount of nutrients, but it offers plenty of health benefits.

Drinking tea is good for hydration, has many antioxidants, and contains very few calories.

Often consumption may also help with weight loss, cancer prevention, cholesterol levels, as well as reduction in the possibility of a heart disease.  

More on Green Tea.

strawberries superfoods


Delicious, red and juicy.

Strawberries are packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin B9, Manganese, as well as an abundance of antioxidants.

They are good for regulating blood sugar levels and overall immune system. Also, playing part in fighting against cancer and heart diseases.

More on Strawberries

eggs superfoods


Whether boiled, scrambled, poached, or baked, eggs are the perfect choice for a healthy diet.

They loaded with proteins and essential nutrients. Eggs contain a good amount of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D, as well as Phosphorus and Choline.

Eating eggs is good for cholesterol regulation, eye health, muscle development, mental health, and energy production. 

More on Eggs.

peas superfoods


The small green seeds are a great choice additional nutritional value to any meal.

They contain a substantial amount of Vitamin B1 and Vitamin C and VItamin K. Also, nutrients such as Vitamin B2, B3, B6, and B9 as well as Manganese and Phosphorus can be found within peas.

These properties contribute to a healthy blood sugar control, digestion system, and strong hearth.

More on Peas.

almonds superfoods


The excellent snack for any occasion, almonds are a great source of protein and nutrients such as Vitamin B1 and B3, Copper, Iron, Potassium, and Zinc. They are rich in Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Manganese, and Phosphorus.

In addition, almond oil contain omega 6 and omega 9 acids.

Almonds offer an abundance of antioxidants, cell protection, blood sugar and blood pressure regulation, effective weight management. 

More on Almonds.

ginger superfoods


One of the most healthiest spices in the world, ginger is the kitchen’s favourite friend.

Packed with Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Manganese, ginger is used in a variety of dishes as well as in many home remedies (traditional medicine).

Ginger helps digestion, can reduce nausea, and supports the immune system. It is often used in weight loss diets and as a protection against infections.

More on Ginger.

mushrooms superfoods


The edible fungus, mushrooms, come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and taste.

Mushrooms are a good source of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc. They also contain selenium.

Their benefits contribute towards the health of the heart, brain, red blood cells, digestive system, and skin.

More on Mushrooms.

sweet potatoes superfoods

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only extremely pleasing for consumption, but also loaded with nutrients.

Rich in Vitamin A (equiv.), Vitamin B5 and B6, and Manganese, they make the perfect choice for a side meal.

They also support healthy vision, benefit the gut, and promote immune system protection.

More on Sweet Potatoes.


More on Health:
Home Exercising: How to Work out at Home
Broccoli: Nutritional Values and Benefits
Lemons: Health Benefits and Nutritional Values
Benefits of Kale: The King of Healthy Food

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